Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 - Free Ebook

Hello there, i will share to you free eBook about  "Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5"  by  Hasin Hayder . Here's about ...

Hello there, i will share to you free eBook about "Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5" by Hasin Hayder.

Here's about the reviewers:

Kalpesh Barot has about 4 years of experience in the world of PHP. He has
extensively worked on small and large scale social networking websites developed
in PHP. He has been involved in varied projects, from planning and developing web
sites to creating custom modules on big social networking websites.
Kalpesh received a Masters degree in Enterprise software Engineering from the
University of Greenwich, UK in 2004. There he learned the theory behind his
computer experience and became a much more effcient computer programmer.
Kalpesh has worked actively in the IT sector since his freshman year at university.
He has been a PHP developer since then and has developed his skills in this feld.
Through his increasing responsibilities, he has learned to prioritize needs and wants, and applies this ability to his projects.

Cover eBook preview:

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 - afahru.tk

You can read the eBook here.

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